The NOMEN CLIP-Cleat won in the category „Sports, Outdoor Activities and Leisure“. The prize will be assigned in February 2018.
„Prizes will only be awarded to projects that truly represent pioneering contributions to the German and international design landscape“ says The German Design Council, which was established on the initiative of the German Bundestag (the lower house of German parliament) in 1953.

We are very happy to announce that the NOMEN Clip-cleat hast been nomineed for the German Design Award 2018 which is one of the most widely recognised international design awards, honouring first-rate entries in the field of product and communications design.

_DAME Award 2013 - Nomination
We are pleased to announce that our new CLIP-cleat has been nominated by the jury for the DAME Award 2013. The announcement of the winner will take place during the METS Breakfast Briefing in the Forum of Amsterdam RAI (Entrance E) on Tuesday 19 November 2013 from 7.30 a.m. – 10.00 a.m. Please have a look to our

_DAME Award 2013 - Category Winner
The DAME Award Jury 2013 awarded the NOMEN CLIP-cleat the "Category Winner Deck Equipment, sails and rigging"
This is the Jury's statement: Just when you think every variation of a cleat must have been designed, then along comes a very clever and elegant alternative. This cleat features spring-loaded ends that present a smooth profile to avoid snags and injuries when closed but can be pressed aside as you make a line off or release it. The Jury was very impressed with the Clip-cleat, admiring the great balance of this product between function and form and also the quality of the end product.
METS Stand 04.230

Please find a presentation of all DEUTSCHE YACHTEN-members in this broschure.
_NOMEN CLIP-cleat on 65' Botin racer built by KNIERIM
We are glad to show first pictures of our new CLIP-cleat on the 65' Botin IRC racer built by KNIERIM, Kiel, Germany.
Please have a look to our pictures
_NOMEN supplied Adastra - 42.5m Power Trimaran
Shuttleworth Designed Adastra - a 42.5m Power Trimaran - wins "Most Innovative Design" at the 2013 World Superyacht Awards. Please have a look to
_NEW NOMEN Cleat - METS 2012
The folding mooring cleat from NOMEN is on the market for 10 years. She has got a lot of friends all over the world and has been much awarded by several design prices during the past. The classical NOMEN cleat simply is well known in the yachting world.
Now the NOMEN cleat receives a reinforcement from a younger sister which is completely different but just as much fascinating. The new NOMEN cleat solves all problems - beautiful, strong and simple.
_DAME Award 2011 Nomination
We are pleased to announce that our open NOMEN fairlead has been nominated by the jury for the DAME Award 2011. The announcement of the winner of the DAME Award 2011 will take place during the METS Breakfast Briefing in the Forum of Amsterdam RAI (Entrance E) on Tuesday 15 November 2011 from 8.00 a.m. – 10.00 a.m.

Simply beautiful –
This roller fairlead perfectly complements the already successfully launched NOMEN cleat. The two together create a highly efficient mooring system in the typical NOMEN design.

_NEW - UpGrade-Set
for NOMEN Cleats
Older Nomen Cleats can be upgraded easily. Owners of older Nomen Cleats who like to do without maintenance in future just have to replace the old balls and the old joint bolts with the new parts. Upgrade sets can be ordered directly from Nomen. For further information please contact us.
_Nomen Products became a member of Deutsche Yachten
Deutsche Yachten - German Yachting Industry Pool (GYP) is a workgroup of shipyards, builders, yacht designers, consultants, suppliers and agents
from the top segment of the German yacht building industry, who have combined forces.
_Die Nomen Klampe
Background information by Axel Hoppenhaus
The cleat as a design product
As a boatbuilder and industrial designer I have been thinking about design for the yachting industry since 1995, and one thought that came to me early on was that cleats led a shadowy existence, that there weren't any cleats which were aesthetically pleasing. The challenge was to change the cleat from a stumbling block, where all the lines get caught, to something harmonious, as once both beautiful and functional.
The concept
When sailing I have often been irritated...
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